Fast, Pray, Vote, and Don’t Worry

This is probably the most important election of our lifetimes–certainly the most important of mine to date.1 There’s so much at stake in a frighteningly polarized nation. I already told you I believe that a vote for Obama is a vote against life and liberty.2 By now, you’ve most likely made up your mind who to vote for; maybe you’ve voted already. And now you’re sitting around anxious and miserable and dreading tomorrow morning (or very late tonight).

I want to ask you, friends, to join me in fasting and prayer not for victory but for God’s will. We may disagree on many things, but odds are good that if you’re reading this, you believe in God. And if you believe in him, you probably know (at some level) that his plans are better than all we can ask or imagine. You probably know that God works all things for good. You probably know that in God’s providence, even that terrible Friday was Good.

So today, fast with me. Maybe it’s too late for you to go water-only or maybe that’s unsafe in your situation. Give up meat for the day or sweets or soda or sitcoms or facebook.3 When we fast, we lend strength to our prayer. We tell God that our intention matters more to us than our flesh does. We’re reminded of our prayer throughout the day; skip a meal and every time your stomach rumbles, you can ask the Lord once again to bless our nation and guide our elections.

Pray with me. Go to Mass if you can or pray a Rosary. Lead your children in a prayer for our nation. Sit before the Blessed Sacrament and beg for the protection of the unborn, for the preservation of religious liberty, for justice for the poor, for aid to immigrants, for peace in our hearts and homes and streets and world. Our God moves mountains–he will answer your prayer.

Please vote. Please, please vote. We are so privileged to be able to vote and to let laziness or indifference or dinner plans keep us from the polls is unconscionable. Do what you have to do to get there. Vote.

But friends, don’t worry. Whoever is our president-elect when we wake up on Wednesday, there will be no riots. There will be no revolution. We will look tragic or smug, we will whine or brag, and we will go on with our lives. Because in America, as in so few places, we are free. And while this election will determine how free we are, the fact remains that we are blessed to live in a country where we may mistrust the government but we do not fear it. When you look at the history of the world, it almost seems a miracle.

And whatever happens, God will still be in control. Perhaps we will face systematic persecution on a large scale, the like of which no church has ever seen in this country. Perhaps the persecution will remain subtle and the temptation will be to continue to leave the poor and the marginalized in our wake. Perhaps this election will be like so many others and very little will change. Whoever our new president is, there will be suffering and joy and frustration and complacency. There will be a cross, made heavier or lighter. But God will still be God.

Whoever is elected, God will still be God.


If you’re going to join me in fasting and praying for our country and this election, would you leave a comment? Share what you’re doing if you like or just tell us that you’re in. Either way, I think we could all use the encouragement.

  1. That’s not saying much. []
  2. Also against the pursuit of happiness, but I didn’t really make that case, except inasmuch as one can’t pursue happiness without life and liberty. []
  3. That one’ll sure make you holier. []

Author: Meg

I'm a Catholic, madly in love with the Lord, His Word, His Bride the Church, and especially His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the Eucharist. I'm committed to the Church not because I was raised this way but because the Lord has drawn my heart and convicted my reason. After 2 degrees in theology and 5 years in the classroom, I quit my 9-5 to follow Christ more literally. Since May of 2012, I've been a hobo for Christ; I live out of my car and travel the country speaking to youth and adults, giving retreats, blogging, and trying to rock the world for Jesus.

11 thoughts on “Fast, Pray, Vote, and Don’t Worry”

  1. Thank you for this encouraging post Meg! I will go to Mass first thing, will fast from all food until 5 PM, will pray a rosary and will try to spend at least 15 minutes in adoration.

  2. I’m going to try to say an Our Father every time I start thinking about the election. Whoever is elected will need our prayers, too!

  3. Doesn’t sound like much but I’m going to refrain from looking at food blogs today. They are my current obsession and I subscribe to about 8 or 10 of them. I’m home sick and that is probably what I would have spent part of my day doing. I’ll also try to say a rosary at some point today. Melissa – love your idea! As always, great post Meg!

  4. Joining you, I think I’ll be giving up any sort of “fun” TV tonight. I’ll pray during the commercials of election coverage!

  5. I agree. I voted. I’m with all of you in prayer and fasting today for our country. As I told my children this morning, regardless of who is elected, God is still God and we can rest secure in His peace.

  6. Of course, yes. I loved that the psalm today included, “For dominion is the LORD’s, and he rules the nations. To him alone shall bow down all who sleep in the earth.” A nice reminder.

  7. With you on this. I’m fasting from food until after 5 pm, and will be saying a rosary for our nation when I get home from work. May God’s will be done!

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